See below for some handy hints and tips for you to beat the eye bags:
1. Try to hit that average sleep amount of 8 hours.
For most people, this will be enough to keep you in tip top form, both mentally and physically, but you can be flexible with this if your body needs more or less. You should be waking up feeling refreshed.
2. Keep to a regular sleep schedule – even on weekends!
A regular sleep pattern is essential to encourage healthy sleeping habits and to make sure your body is consistency and regularly getting what it needs. As lovely as lie ins are on a weekend, your body will be much heathier if it has consistency and routine.
3. Bedtime routines
It sounds like this is for children, doesn’t it? But having a familiar routine will mean your body knows that it is time to start winding down ready for rest. This might be a nice warm bath before bed, a few pages of a book or your favourite TV programme before you settle down for the night. Try to avoid using a tablet, phone or laptop right before bed time too.
4. Brain dump!
Jot them down any ideas, to-do’s or plans for the next day in a notebook by the bed so that you can relax properly and address them when you wake up in the morning.
5. Be sensible about sleep
Often, we can be our own worst enemies in terms of giving ourselves a break, but sleeping isn’t cheating! Learn to say no and have an early night if events are catching up with you.